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About the Designer

Inspired by Furniture and Architecture


Growing up Pasha was surrounded by furniture wares of his father, Farmand aka Louis, he took a distinct interest in materials, process and form to develop his eponymous brand 10 years ago. Beginning with scraps from his fathers workshop Pasha has evolved his look and aesthetic to create a collection of pieces that feel very architectural referencing heritage and incredibly easy to wear by almost anyone who enjoys the modern life. Pasha does production work as well as one-of-a-kind pieces but he always keeps true to his deco-industrial aesthetic.




Pasha is skilled with a wide array of metals from copper and brass to silver and gold and has a fair knowledge of working with them all.



A fair portion of Pasha’s corders are custom design pieces. If you have a concept or type of piece that is close to Pasha’s style and aesthetic set up an appointment today and drop by the studio for a free consultation!